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Open Letter to President-Elect Barack Obama

Dear Sen. Obama,

I wish to express my pleasure with the way you have conducted your campaign and look forward to having you as our president. In my opinion, there is one principal problem facing mankind: human overpopulation. It is at the crux of all of the world’s secondary problems, be they social, political, environmental or economic — all are exasperated by overpopulation. We need to support the United Nations Population Fund and other nongovernmental organizations that address this issue if we are to survive as a species without causing immense human suffering. Estimates suggest that it would take a mere $30-40 billion per year to provide contraception worldwide, and this amount will decrease with time due to research and more efficient production. This small sum would allow women everywhere to choose family size and plan for their families’ futures.

It is sufficient to bring our skyrocketing population into decline.

It will give women everywhere the freedom of choice. Without it, no woman is free. It is imperative for the future of the planet.

— Milton H. Saier Jr.
Professor of Biology, UCSD

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