As a child, Thornhill singer Jacob Charlton and his dog Lily would sit outside and stare at full moons together. My pick for this week’s song, “Lily and the Moon,” is dedicated to absent friends, loved ones, and in Charlton’s case — to man’s best friend. This tune is a timely listen for this time of year when we miss those we left behind in the holiday break. Pouring guitars encompass an unrelenting grief that gives way to Charlton’s voice crooning in the eye of the sonic hurricane, a glimmer of golden memories. An atmospheric pre-chorus crashes into a devastating chorus of questions and pleas: “Lily and the moon / I see you everywhere / If there’s another world / I will meet you there.” As we forge through Winter Quarter — a season proving itself to be of ice and fire — Thornhill reminds me to be present with those around me while still cherishing past memories.
Listen to the rest of this week’s playlist here!