With midterm season in full swing, worry has taken over the campus like a plague. Although stress is a necessary biological function, it can cause more harm than good. Here are some tips to get some much-needed relief.
Feed your body with good, healthy foods. Yes, this may be obvious, but eating foods that are good for you makes a great difference. Something I like to do is drink a green juice. It packs a lot of healthy fruits and vegetables in a quick and easy blend. An on-campus favorite of mine is the Tioga Pass Smoothie from Roots. A good off-campus option is the juices at Pressed Juicery. Taking vitamins is also another way of getting those nutrients in. There are even vitamins made for stress relief, such as Olly’s Goodbye Stress vitamins.
Find an outlet. Everyone releases their energy and emotions in different ways. When I’m stressed out I like to take a step back, rest, and call my friends and family. Other outlets can be exercising, journaling, playing an instrument, drawing, or painting. Confiding in friends or a therapist is also very healthy and can significantly help in unpacking and releasing stress.
Put yourself in a good mindset. Simple things can make such a big difference any day. I try to put myself in a good mood by listening to Ariana Grande and getting a green juice before going to class. Waking up in time to get ready — calmly, and not in a rush — makes the rest of the day seem easier, too. Another mood booster is meditation. It can calm or energize the mind. It only takes a few minutes out of the day to do, but it can make a major difference. A meditation app I like is Headspace.
Be responsible. Keep up with your work and responsibilities to avoid stress in the future. It is easier said than done, but it makes a big difference. Studying and doing homework in a timely fashion is a lot less stressful than waiting until the last minute. It can also be a lot simpler! For example, doing laundry on a regular schedule or picking out your outfit the night before can make life much easier.
Avoid triggers. If you know what stresses you out and it can be avoided, then avoid it or try to resolve it. If your roommate gets ready loudly in the morning, ask if he, she, or they could be a bit quieter. Stand up for yourself and your needs.
Find your passion. Passion is what makes life worth living. Doing things you are passionate about makes you happier and is a break from the boredom of everyday responsibilities. Find an organization or club that can allow you to explore an interest of yours, whether it be music, volunteering, or sports.
Rest and relax. Put things into perspective and think big picture. Ask yourself if this current stressful situation will matter in the future. If it does, then put it in perspective and adjust plans for the future while keeping in mind that things will turn out okay. Then, relax. Watch TV, read a book, drink hot tea, and get a decent amount of sleep.
I hope these tips help you all during this very stressful midterm season and into finals season. Just keep breathing and remember that everything will be okay.