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Incoming A.S. Council Transitions Into New Roles


The 2013–2014 A.S. Council transitioned into their new positions during a meeting at Price Center Forum on May 3, 2013. 

The Wednesday night meeting marked the last time the current A.S. Council, headed by President Meggie Le, would meet. The outgoing A.S. executives reflected on last year’s A.S. accomplishments, words of wisdom for the newly elected members and their future goals.

The current A.S. Council will begin governing this Wednesday. The weekly A.S. meeting will be converted into a retreat where the newly elected council will participate in team-building workshops and a review of Robert’s Rules, a set of formalities that help create efficiency and structure during council discussions. 

Next Friday, the A.S. executives will be making edits to the standing rules of A.S. council.

The A.S. executives have also been preparing for their new terms with meetings and projects that are already underway.

Andy Buselt, A.S. President, is handling the transition into office by establishing several ethnic studies minors and by working on a plan to tackle the transportation issue.

“I’ve been shadowing Meggie every meeting,” Buselt said. “I’ve also met with Robert Holden, the head of facilities. I’m also looking at an Islamic studies minor, Asian American studies minor and South Asian studies minor. The purpose of this is that each will not only focus on retention but student empowerment. I’m also working on establishing the bike committee as well.”

Linda Le, A.S. VP Student Life, is working on the publicity and visibility of A.S. Council and a transfer mentorship program with ACTA, the All Campus Transfer Association.

“On a more personal level, I’ve been having many meetings with Heather to move forward on how we address inter-council relationships as well as A.S. visibility in general,” Le said. “I’ve been meeting with A.S. graphics studios, and I’m currently working on a plan in promoting A.S. next year and planning out retreats. I’ve also talked to members of ACTA for a transfer mentorship program.”

Vanessa Garcia, A.S. VP External Affairs, has been working on restructuring council goals.

“I’ve been meeting with SOVAC, TLC and local affairs to figure out how external should be restructured to have less overlap,” Garcia said. “I’m also working on having more defined goals that directly reflect in council membership within external. We will also do strategic planning to outline our goals and initiatives for the rest of the year.”

Sean O’Neal, A.S. VP Finance & Resources, is meeting with senators, AVPs and administration to iron out next year’s budget.

“I’ve been meeting with every senator, and I’ve also been meeting with the student sustainability collective, SPACES, student life business office,” O’Neal said. “We’re all meeting with Gary Radcliff the AVC of student life because finance has to get started right away. We have to assess all traditional events to see which ones will be funded. I also need to meet with student orgs to come out with a summer budget and funding guidelines.  I’ll meet new AVPs that are coming in and leaving to finish the assessment on financial sustainability of Associated Students.”

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