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Will Parson: Photo Editor 2007-08

I took a lot of photos during my years at the Guardian, but sometimes I
feel like I don’t deserve the wealth of opportunities that working for the
school newspaper has offered me. I might be exaggerating, but a photo takes a
fraction of a second, after all. Yet, I get just as much space in print as the
many talented writers whose stories I have had the pleasure of working on. I was
especially honored a year ago, after just three short quarters of taking
pictures for the Guardian, when they decided to give me my own office and the
wonderful responsibility of being in charge of the photo department.

I had been pretty timid when I started taking photos for the Guardian,
barely able to muster the courage to approach people after I took their photo.
Somewhere along the line, though, I started getting recognized by the
higher-profile students on campus. I’m talking about the big players on the
A.S. Council and in the activist organizations — people I thought I had nothing
in common with two years ago, but who now tell me they see me everywhere.
Becoming editor had forced me to grow in many ways. The most important change
is that I began to see more of the good in what people were doing on campus,
even when I agreed more with people’s enthusiasm than their message. At some
point my last remnants of apathy dissolved.

Another unexpected opportunity that I am hugely thankful for was the
chance to write for the Guardian. I would have to agree with my fellow editors
that my column chronicling my adventures as a photographer should have been
called “Through My Creepy Lens.” I’m sure a lot of the people on campus who
have seen me working with my camera would find that the title fits. Anyway, I
have to thank our Focus editor Alyssa for being so positive about my articles,
even as I regularly turned them in late. And thanks to my friends on and off
the Guardian staff for providing the inspiration for my stories.

I think the rest of the Guardian would agree that our photography
continued to excel this year. With my associate Erik taking over as photo
editor, I’m sure that even stronger images will soon grace the Guardian’s pages.

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