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A.S. Council at a Glance

Meeting #26

April 14, 2004

Public Input

Shaza Hanafy, special projects director for A.S. Volunteer Connection, encouraged councilmembers to participate in Hands On San Diego on May 1. The event is a combination of service projects designed to benefit the San Diego community.

Items of Immediate Consideration

Item A

The A.S. Council elected not to discuss a resolution of censure for President Jeremy Paul Gallagher. See page 1 for more information.


President Jeremy Paul Gallagher

Gallagher announced that he is exercising his executive power to restrict the council from advertising in the Guardian in protest of an issue of The Koala that appeared in the paper’s March 29 issue.

Commissioner of Enterprise Operations Jeremy Cogan

Cogan announced that the new ropes course will officially open on May 11.

Additionally, Cogan reported that the contract to accept dining dollars at the Grove Caffe was signed by the required parties. Cogan says meal points will be accepted as soon as possible, possibly as soon as the week of April 19.

Thurgood Marshall College Council Chair Travis Silva

Silva encouraged councilmembers to attend the annual cultural celebration on April 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. north of Peterson hall.

Sixth College Sophomore Senator Michael Dawson

Dawson reported that the all-campus dance on April 2 was held in the Price Center Ballroom instead of Price Center Plaza because of a chance of rain. Dawson said he then decided to allow a Top 40 DJ to play music in the ballroom to the exclusion of DJs from the DJs and Vinophiles club.

Dawson reported that the organization is filing a Judicial Board complaint regarding the decision.

Vice President Internal Jenn Pae

Pae reported that as a former member of the Chancellor Search Committee, she is very pleased with the announcement that Marye Anne Fox will become UCSD’s chancellor. Pae called Fox “student-friendly.”

Old Business

Item B

The council approved changes to the A.S. Finance Bylaws that allow organizations to reallocate funding between line items without the council’s approval. The item was mandated following an audit of the A.S. business office. The item passed by a vote of 17-4-0.

Item I

The council approved bylaw changes that require the A.S. Council agenda to be posted on the Web site by 4:30 p.m. the day before the council meeting. The item also allows time for public input to be extended by a majority vote rather than a two-thirds vote. The changes were approved by consensus.

Item J

The council approved an amendment to the A.S. Constitution that makes the college council chairs ex-officio members of the A.S. Council. As a constitutional amendment, the item must be ratified by four of the college councils before taking effect.


Student Affirmative Action Coalition Representative Daniel Gonzales

Gonzales announced that the Day of Silence will take place April 21. The event aims to create a safer environment for students regardless of sexual orientation.

Sixth College Junior Senator Sapna Mehta

Mehta announced that a perimeter will be set up around Cognitive Science Building on April 17 to reduce noise for students taking the MCAT exam.

— Compiled by Neil Spears

Senior Staff Writer

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