Probably one of the most interesting aspects of watching “National Treasure” was trying to figure out why Nicolas Cage opted to wear a rug in the film. If you were curious as to how he suddenly has long luxurious locks in his latest film, you are not the only one. In “National Treasure,” Cage plays a historian who discovers that a treasure map is on the back of the Declaration of Independence. In his search for treasure, Cage teams up with a national archivist, played by Diane Kruger, who proves she’s not just a pretty face but a bad actress as well. Probably more unrealistic than Cage’s hair was believing Kruger’s character. It is a shame that Cage’s toupee took away from such a complex and multifaceted story. Has Cage finally joined the ranks of fellow toupee-wearing actors, such as Billy Bob Thornton and Bruce Willis? Apparently so, because in the trailer of his upcoming film, “Weather Man,” he’s sporting an even more ridiculously fake hair piece. He should just take a cue from Ed Harris and go bald with grace.
Worst Hair Piece
Feb 24, 2005
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