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“Birdbrain” — Australian Dance Theatre ( April 15 @ Mandeville Auditorium )

Travis Ball
Like a virgin:

Start off your weekend with a dance company that has been described as “funky, fast and furious.” “Birdbrain” is a wry and quirky look at a cultural icon, Swan Lake, from one of the world’s most brazen young dance companies. With techno music and amazing dance at a breakneck speed, don’t expect this performance to be reminiscent of the sentimentality of love and loss associated with the traditional story.

Casiotone for the Painfully Alone ( April 17 @ Che Cafe )

Remember those cheap little keyboards we used to play with? The plastic ones with voices called “harpsichord” and “guitar” that sounded more like a whimpering cyborg than a real insrument? Well, crazy Owen Ashworth — who goes by the stage name Casiotone for the Painfully Alone — writes funny little pop songs using only one of those keyboard-toy thingies and his voice. If it sounds weird, just think that people in Europe dance to simpler music made by fewer instruments, and their stage names aren’t nearly as cute.

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