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Recapping Hiatus

“”We’ve grown accustomed to all the Bond cliches: the high-tech gadgets, the “”fully loaded”” cars, the buxom women of dubious reputation and, of course, those cheesy puns. This time around, they’re not stirred, not shaken, but blown to bits – the film’s new gadgets have real purpose, the women exist on a human scale and Bond actually bleeds.””

– Chris Mertan

“”Warm-Blooded 007 for ‘006″”

Nov. 16, 2006

“”Your slow ride don’t mean nuttin’ if T.I.’s buzzed-out drawl isn’t vibrating the side mirrors beyond visibility. And I know all about that!””

– Simone Wilson

“”My 16 Favorite Tracks of 2006:

‘What You Know'””

Jan. 11, 2007

“”Mopey, sad-eyed torment goes pedestrian when bitch-slapped by Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? – goddammit, this is under-your-skin, warped-drum-machine torment.””

– Simone Wilson

“”Hissing Fauna, Are You the

Destroyer? – Of Montreal””

Jan. 25, 2007

“”He looks like a gorilla with rabbit teeth/ Bugs Monkey.””

– Cam’ron

New York Hip-Hop Artist

“”Cuurrtiiiss! (50 Cent Diss) – Cam’ron””

Feb. 15, 2007

“”But these hard-partying teens, surrounded by brocade, hair powder and gold-trimmed everything, know what’s up: Cream puffs are fucking delicious.””

— Heather Welles

“”Best Dessert Montage: ‘Marie Antoinette'””

March 1, 2007

“”However, if there are any fabulously hot girls out there who will jump in bed with a slightly boring, slightly ugly guy at least five years their senior, feel free to drop your phone number in the box marked ‘Opinion Editor.'””

– Nathan Miklos

“”World’s Fattest Douchebag: Zach Braff””

March 1, 2007

“”Ever wished somebody would have slipped Mozart some acid?””

– Jaclyn Snow

“”Pocket Symphony – Air””

March 8, 2007

“”At that point, we’re no longer in a grindhouse, but Tarantino’s slow-moving little world of fast cars and even faster women.””

– Chris Mertan

“”Battle of the Buffs: Rodriguez vs. Tarantino””

April 12, 2007

“”A 4/20 theme! What kind of operation are you runnin’ there?””

– Jake Rahner

Drummer, The Dimes

“”Muirstock 07: High Time””

April 19, 2007

“”There is a Peter Parker in all of us – more so than any alien Kal-El, spoiled-rich Bruce Wayne or member of the X-Men mutants. We were all teens once, chasing the girl/guy, yo-yoing between moral conundrums, crumbling at the mercy of so many hormones.””

– Charles Nguyen

“”Eight-Legged Leaks””

May 3, 2007

“”Just when you thought emo was dead, Sactown-based fivesome Self Against Pity – er, City – crawled out of the depths of MySpace with just enough cheesy side-swiped bangs and whiny, drawn-out vocals to let them serve as a lingering reminder of last year’s My Chemical Romance megaflop.””

– Matthew McArdle

“”Sun God 2007: Self Against City””

May 17, 2007

“”It’s as if Andy Warhol ditched his typically aloof triptychs for a rubber smock and taught preschoolers how to finger paint.””

– Masahana Kato

“”Everybody -– the Sea and Cake””

May 17, 2007

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