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Best On-campus Spot To…

Check the Hotties …

Anyone who claims that UCSD’s student body has a hottie
deficiency clearly isn’t looking hard enough. Start with the RIMAC gym. RIMAC
is gold for hunk-scoping because, as we all know, PIKE has mandatory workout
hours. Furthermore, the elliptical machines are strategically positioned above
the renowned weightlifting pit, so cardio-crazed, bronze-legged sorority
sisters can bask in the testosterone secretions of their male counterparts.
Don’t forget to catch these gazelle-like sisters thrusting their hips in
sexually suggestive yoga moves on the stretch mat (just don’t get ringworm).

Your next best bet would probably be International House
(because, let’s face it, foreign imports are usually of a higher caliber). The
reason why everyone likes out-of-the-country hotties is because they’re always
up for a good time, and thus will throw out-of-control parties. International
students also tend to have: 1) fewer inhibitions, 2) better fashion senses and
3) sexy accents.

Finally — and this is going to seem obvious — the Price Center
food court offers an array of delicious goods — and I’m not talking about the
orange chicken. Take your pick: the Alpha Epsilon Pi guys congregate outside
the Sunshine Store (there are usually about six of them at any given hour), or
inside, where Espresso Roma’s magnetic force attracts an inordinate amount of
painfully good-looking teacher’s assistants (maybe you’ll share a cup o’ Joe
with that Chemistry tutor you’ve been eyeing).

Take a Cat Nap …

Not only is the new Student Center Lounge a great place to
grab Thai food or study, its comfy chairs and wall-length padded benches are
perfect for grabbing a post-all-nighter nap between classes. Although
restaurant noise does permeate the scene, this area is by far the comfiest — no
matter what the weather. If it’s a bright day outside (but you’re too concerned
with wildlife and passersby to sleep out on the lawn) sunlight beats through
the floor-to-ceiling windows, warming the atrium-like study room; and if it’s
cold the lounge has a super-cute fireplace that is prime for curling up beside.
But if the thought of rubberneckers psychs you out, you can always opt for a
more private locale — try one of Geisel’s study rooms. True, the harsh tables
aren’t nearly as comfortable, but the space is quiet and you won’t have to
worry about having your exhaustion-drool judged by an onlooker. Plus, when you
wake up still tired and grumpy, you can always run down to the front lounges
and laugh at people checking themselves out in the one-way mirrors.

Or if you really are a nature lover, but want to avoid the
crowds of Student Center and Library Walk, there’s always the lawn
beside Warren Mall. Just lie back all hippie-like
beneath the shade of a tree; the land is slightly sloped, which allows moisture
to runoff and stops the soggy-back phenomenon from happening. So though there’s
nothing like the comfort of your own bed, campus does have some sweet
nappy-time spots.

Get Your Drink On …

While you can count on a few old standbys among the
20-some-odd beers on tap at Porter’s Pub, plenty are rotated seasonally, with a
decent spread of brews to please anyone. When you’re done brushing up on
quantum mechanics, the pub’s happy hour discounts and respectable selection of
pale and amber ales, porters and stouts make it a great place to educate
yourself on beer’s sensory pleasures. Those with something to prove can knock
back a pint of Arrogant Bastard Ale (with a girlish 12 percent alcohol

Dim lighting and a friendly atmosphere make the pub a great
place to kick it with your friends (or make new ones); the eclectic decor’s
questionable humor reflects the approachable, laid-back staff. An outdoor patio
with ample seating and an open grill gives you the opportunity to sober up over
a burger before your evening classes. While service speed from the kitchen can
vary wildly, the sandwich combos, melts, salads and fried stuff are usually
worth the wait; weekly shows will keep you coming back to the Student Center.

With over 20 beers on tap, Round Table Pizza cultivates a
sports-bar feel: A big-screen television and generous indoor seating make it an
ideal gathering spot for the Super Bowl and 2008 Olympics, and the selection of
domestic beers is respectable. Round Table’s location in Price Center — the
center of UCSD, and the intersection of the campus’ two largest footpaths —
along with plenty of outdoor seating make it a natural place to meet friends.
Capitalize on monthly specials and occasional pitcher deals. The pizza isn’t
bad, either.

The focus at Price
’s Shogun is the
food, and as such the beer selection is painfully limited to two ubiquitous
Japanese imports. However, it’s also the only place on campus with warm (or
chilled) sake and plum wine. The adjacent game room lends itself to intense,
sake-fueled ping-pong battles; the moderate selection of sushi can keep you
busy while you nurse an Asahi.

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