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Druthers and Exit Strategy

Hiatus Picks the Week’s Best Bets

Ryan Adams & the Cardinals

Spreckels Theater / Jan. 19 / 8 p.m. / $30

Ultra-prolific genre chameleon Ryan Adams insists he has
settled down with the Cardinals, even though his latest album, Easy Tiger,
doesn’t directly credit them. But when Adams tours, he brings the backing band
along, making a stop this Saturday at the Spreckels Theater on Broadway. At
this point in his career, he has taken a liking to set lists that blend
country-tinged rock standards, Strokes-ish fuzz pop and acoustic balladry; in
other words, expect some variety. (CK)


Landmark Hillcrest / Opens Friday

Balancing historical circumstances with personal tension is
no easy task, so it’s a marvel to find this accomplished beautifully in an
animated film. Vincent Paronnaud and Marjane Satrapi’s “Persepolis” examines
the Islamic Revolution’s affect on an Iranian preadolescencent, moved and
troubled by growing repression and her desire to explore the multicultural
world beyond her own. Adapted from Satrapi’s memoirs, the film goes against the
animation grain, depicting a surreal, childlike past in black and white — a far
cry from Pixar’s latest computer venture. Challenging and invigorating,
“Persepolis” is rightfully France’s submission for the Academy Awards’ Best
Foreign Language Film. (CM)

This Week’s On-Campus Events

“Rocket Science”

Price Center Theater

Jan. 17, 6 & 9 p.m.


Bane, Outbreak & More

Che Cafe

Jan. 18, 7 p.m.


Felix Olschofka

Mandeville Recital Hall

Jan. 18, 8 p.m.


Silent Drive, Trash Talk & More

Che Cafe

Jan. 19, 7 p.m.


Let’s Bounce

Price Center Ballrooms

Jan. 19, 9 p.m.


This is hell & More

Che Cafe

Jan. 19, 7 p.m.


“Things We Lost In the Fire”

Price Center Theater

Jan. 22, 6 & 9 p.m.


Compagnie Ea Sola

Mandeville Auditorium

Jan. 23, 8 p.m.


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