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Peaceful Coexistence Is Up to All of Us

Dear Editor,

As an alumnus and faculty member, I am saddened by the mean-spirited actions recently directed toward the black community, and especially attempts to justify behavior that was demeaning to members of our community. I see these actions as those of a small, disrespectful minority. I do not know if these actions are protected by free speech, but they clearly violate our principles of community. More importantly, they do not represent the UCSD I know.

I teach a large, sophomore-level course in which students work closely together in teams. These teams are randomly assigned, and I have seen students from all backgrounds work respectfully and effectively together. We have students from varied cultural backgrounds, many whose first language is not English, and many who did not have the benefit of privileged high schools. As a whole, students treat each other with respect — regardless of their backgrounds — and strive to create a positive student experience at UCSD. When members of our community have been demeaned, it is the responsibility of all of us to stand up and reaffirm our commitment to a respectful environment. The administration’s actions are important, but even more critical are the actions of the UCSD community as a whole to demonstrate the best of the UCSD that I know.

— Nathan Delson

Academic Coordinator, Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering

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