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A.S. Council at a Glance

Special Presentations

Edwina Welch, director of the Cross-Cultural Center

Welch gave a presentation on the Cross-Cultural Center. She said that the center was originally started based on student interest. It now serves as a place for the entire UCSD community, including students, faculty and staff to discuss issues of diversity.

Welch said that the center’s current location will become the site of Engineering Building Unit four in 2008. The center hopes to become part of the University Centers expansion, if the University Centers expansion is approved.

Welch handed out fliers about the center. She also urged students to “”stop by”” the center anytime.


A.S. President Jenn Brown

Brown reported that the UC Santa Cruz Associated Students will be changing its bylaws after a lawsuit was filed by a conservative student group on campus. The council must change its bylaws to acknowledge slates and to remove caps on spending limits during elections.

Brown said that the A.S. Council at UCSD will probably be receiving notice soon from the UC Office of the President mandating that the A.S. Council remove its spending caps as well. Currently, three of six college councils do not recognize slates and may have to begin acknowledging them, Brown speculated.

Brown reported that she is working to secure the $100,000 of state money that was given to UCSD for the Student Initiated Outreach and Recruitment program by this quarter. The report that was written by last year’s SIORC committee is currently under review by Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Joseph Watson.

Brown reported that her favorite event of the year, the African-American Student Union’s Kwanzaa Celebration, will be held on Nov. 25 in the Price Center Ballroom. Brown urges all students to attend.

Brown also reported that Chancellor Robert C. Dynes will be giving a State of the Campus Address on Nov. 22 at noon in the Price Center Ballroom. She urges all students to attend.

Brown also said that she is proud of the A.S. Council for taking such a strong stance in favor of unisex bathrooms.

Commissioner of Academic Affairs Halle Beitollahi

Beitollahi reported that Garo Bournoutian was present at the meeting to answer questions regarding his nomination for representative to the Admissions Committee. Bournoutian was present because council members wanted to speak with him before approving him for the committee. No members of council asked Bournoutian questions, but his e-mail address was announced for all of those wishing to ask him questions.

Beitollahi reported that she is still working on her un-named project which she addressed at last week’s council meeting. She has not revealed the content of the project, but stated that things are not running as smoothly as she had expected.

Commissioner of Athletics Robin Shelton

Shelton reported that men’s water polo will be hosting the Western Water Polo Association Championships on Nov. 22 and Nov. 23. The winner of this tournament, Shelton said, will get an automatic bid into the final four.

Commissioner of Programming Gabe Grossman

Grossman reported that the Programming Office began talking with other universities about bands that they are booking. He said that from talking with another university his office was able to find out that a band had lied about receiving an offer from another university. He said that this was beneficial.

Commissioner of Services and Enterprises Jeremy Paul Gallagher

Gallagher reported that the Grove Caffe did well this week with a 14 percent profit. He reported that he is working on a plan to provide heated seating at the cafe.

Chair of the Thurgood Marshall College Council Kevin Kelly

Kelly reported that Marshallpalooza! was a success. Thurgood Marshall Week continues with a lecture taking place on Nov. 22 in the Mandeville Auditorium given by one of Marshall’s former clerks, Randall Kennedy.

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