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A.s. Council at a Glance

Meeting #7

October 8, 2003

Items of Immediate Consideration

Item B

The A.S. Council unanimously passed a resolution strongly disapproving of a decision by Nicholas S. Aguilar, director of student policies and judicial affairs, prohibiting students from having an advocate appear at disciplinary hearings.

The resolution implores the vice chancellor of student affairs to indefinitely postpone implementation of the proposed changes and to involve the Student Regulations Revisions Committee in the discussion of future changes. The changes are currently slated to take effect on Oct. 14.

Item F

The council approved an amended A.S. Media Charter by consensus. The new charter clarifies ambiguities relating to the requirement of legal disclaimers in media published using A.S. funds.


Commissioner of Communications Frances Galvon

Galvon announced that substantial attendance at KSDT Radio’s fall recruitment meeting has resulted in near round-the-clock programming for the station.

Commissioner of Athletics Jordan Cross

Cross encouraged council members to attend the UCSD Triton Invitational, a cross country competition, on Oct. 11 at 8:30 a.m.

Council Caucus

The council, which struggled to maintain a quorum throughout the meeting, discussed the possibility of taking a position on the proposed 20 percent UC enrollment curtailments for the 2003-04 academic year.

Suggestions varied from waiting until more concrete decisions are made by the UC administration to Thurgood Marshall College Chair Travis Silva’s suggestion of suing the California Legislature in order to assure full funding for UC growth.

Currently, administrators and students are discussing the possibility of increasing student fees, decreasing the number of enrolled out-of-state and international students, and adding a lottery system to the admissions process, among other solutions.

Old Business

Item A

The council approved 2003-04 stipends for the Student Initiated Outreach and Recruitment Commission.

Stipends range from $20-$50 per week and total $13,950 for the academic year.

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