Welcome back, Astro-lovers. I hope that Mercury being in retrograde did not mess with your lives too much, but do not fret. With the beginning of Taurus season, a sense of calm and stability will come over all. Moving on, Sun God Festival is coming up soon, and everyone is excited. However, not all signs will show this excitement in the same way. Aries will go crazy, Aquarians will be analyzing every song lyric, and Pisces … well, we’ll get to that.
Aries are highly expressive and love to have fun, so an event like Sun God is an Aries’s utopia. Expect Aries to be decked out in bright and festive outfits and accessories; I’m talking body glitter, space buns, and fun fits. Also, don’t be surprised when an aggressive Aries is pushing past you to get to the front. They know what they want, and will not hesitate to take it!
Taurus may commonly be known as a more introverted sign, but at Sun God, Taurians will be completely in their element. They also will be checking out all the food, and I mean all the food. And considering that it is Taurus season, they will have a glow that’ll make you think, “wow, what highlighter is that person wearing?”, but it’s not highlighter, it’s cosmic glow from the stars themselves.
Geminis will be the social butterflies of Sun God. If you plan on sticking with your Gemini friend for the whole day, good luck, because you’ll probably lose them about 20 minutes into the festival. They will also suddenly become self-proclaimed music critics, talking about the art of the musicality of a song or the tension and resolution created by the contrast and so on.
I would be surprised to see a lot of Cancers at Sun God. These homebodies will be hesitant to leave their dorms or apartments and may say things such as, “I can just watch them perform it live … on Youtube” or “just send me videos of it so I can enjoy from the comfort of my home.” If by some astrological anomaly there are a plethora of Cancers at Sun God, they’ll probably be complaining constantly.
Oh, Leos, where do I start? Leos at Sun God will be taking pictures everywhere, emphasis on everywhere. “Can you take a pic of me here? Wait, no I didn’t say ‘with me,’ I said ‘of’ me.” They will be the loudest of the bunch and will do anything to stick out. They may become a drama queen/king, so try to avoid a situation that could cause that.
In a sense, Virgos will be the mom of your Sun God group, but not in the “aw, sweetie, come here and let me help you” way. Imagine your mom when she comes home and finds out you didn’t put the chicken out to thaw. Virgos are very loving, but also very critical. They probably have a strict plan for the whole day, and if anyone strays from the plan, they will face a Virgo’s wrath.
In contrast with Virgo, Libras will be the overprotecting — but because they love you — mom of the group. They will be looking out for everyone, making sure all is well. Also, if there are any quarrels within the group, a Libra will be the first on the scene, resolving all issues. On the other hand, some Libras will get a little too friendly at Sun God. What? They can’t help their natural flirtatious tendencies!
Scorpios are very passionate, so at Sun God, they will be very, very into the music. They will dance and jump and whip their hair back and forth without a care in the world. However, their intensity may cause slight problems. Scorpios have a tendency to be over-dramatic, so it is recommended that they are kept happy for the whole festival.
Sagittarians are adventurous and fiercely independent. They will ditch their friends to roam around, sample some food, and squeeze into the VIP section with only their confidence and charm. “Excuse me security, do you know who I am? This is a disgrace; i’m calling my lawyer.” If they ever rejoin their friends though, you can be sure that everyone will be having a good time. Sagittarians have an uplifting mood that will make every situation a good one.
Sun God is a fun event that should be stress free and a good time, but for Capricorns, this will not be the case. Capricorns will definitely be thinking about all of the homework they have to do. They will also be checking their TritonEd every two minutes in hopes of finding out how their did on the math midterm. Spoiler alert, they did fine!
Aquarians are full-time intellectuals, a switch they can never turn off. They will analyze every note and lyric of each song. Additionally, they will talk to everyone and anyone around them about anything, leaving Sun God with about 20 new friends. And yes, this will annoy the friends they came with.
For Pisces, Sun God will be a dream, literally. As natural dreamers, do not be surprised to see a Pisces lying on the ground, eyes closed, fully absorbing the music and good vibes. Hopefully someone wakes them up though; it would be a shame for them to actually fall asleep through the whole festival!
For all of the signs out there, have fun at Sun God! The (non-Housing-Dining-Hospitality) food will be great, the performances will be incredible, and the entire experience will be unforgettable. Enjoy it and be safe. Until next time, Astro-lovers!