Unfortunately, political parties do not seem to be taking this issue too seriously as they fail to make efforts towards effective gun control. Perhaps it is because they are too detached from their fellow Americans whose children are suffering the consequences of lenient gun legislation.
Whatever the reason, this is proof that we need to increase regulations on gun sales to keep them out of the hands of criminals or violent people. As citizens who care about safety, we support the president for encouraging bi-partisan change that is needed to control the reckless use of guns. The problem of gun violence can no longer be swept under the rug to protect those claiming their second amendment right as an excuse not to take action to improve gun policy.
The lives of our youth are of more value than the right to bear arms alone. The right to bear arms was not created to give people the freedom to use guns to harm others, but with the intent to protect, which clearly shows the ineffectiveness of current policy. Guns must be taken out of the hands of those who wreak havoc and pain on others through the misuse of guns. Please do your part as a caring citizen and take action by standing up for gun control reform and encourage your congressperson to vote for gun safety to protect innocent lives.
— Jennifer Allen
Cynthia Lopez Herrera
Annie Ng
California State University, Long Beach
School of Social Work
Master’s students