Usually the WSJ does not offer opinions on any state propositions, but since Proposition 30 is such a potential disaster for California, they made an exception today. I hope you all CAREFULLY read what the journal has written about it, so you can understand the facts. The WSJ is the most respected business paper in the USA.
If Proposition 30 passes, someone who makes a $1 million a year will have to pay $133,000 (13.3 percent) for the “privilege” of living in California — that is on top of the federal taxes. Believe me, no one will be coming to California to start business; it would be much cheaper (and easier) in Arizona or Nevada. Also, many millionaires, their businesses and their money will move out. Please see Illinois and Michigan.
As the journal states, one in five Californians is out of work or working part time because they can’t find full time work, and you want to make it more difficult for current employers or potential employers? The journal called Proposition 30 “insanity.” Please read it.
—Bob Austin
Resident of Scottsdale, Arizona