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Lights and Sirens

Friday, October 26
2:38 p.m.: Traffic stop
? A male student was stopped at the intersection of Muir College Drive and Scholars Drive North for driving under the influence of alcohol. Closed by adult arrest.
3:17 p.m.: Stalking
? The reporting party believed she was being followed by a male subject at Marshall Residence Halls. Information only. 4:28 p.m.: Suspicious person
? An adult male at North Point Drive was sitting in grass while yelling to himself and passersby. Field interview administered. Saturday, October 27
12:54 a.m.: Petty theft
? A male student at The Village East 2 “removed a fire extinguisher and expelled its contents” though no emergency was present. Closed by adult arrest.
11:54 a.m.: Welfare check
? A social worker at South Mesa Apartments was concerned about a client feeling depressed. Checks OK.
11:59 p.m.: Drunk in public
? The subject at Price Center Lobby was intoxicated in public. Transported to detox.

Sunday, October 28
4:12 a.m.: Disturbance, domestic violence
? A female student hit her spouse. Closed by adult arrest.
5:33 a.m.: Annoying/harassing phone call
? The subject at The Village Building 1 received “harassing fax messages.” Report taken.
7:59 a.m.: Noise disturbance
? A transient at Horizon Way was “screaming out random comments,” not screaming for help. Checks OK.

Monday, October 29
3:21 p.m.: Information
? Someone was driving a golf cart “erratically” on Sun God Lawn. Information only.
5:54 p.m.: Hazard situation
? Someone in Marshall Apartments West was shooting a BB gun or airsoft gun and hit one person. Report taken.
12:30 a.m. – 7:00 a.m.: Grand theft
? A bicycle worth $1,500 was stolen at Revelle College. Online report submitted.

Tuesday, October 30
12:40 a.m.: Citizen contact
? The subject at Glider Port was in possession of prescription drugs without a prescription. Closed by adult citation.
11:04 a.m.: Information
? The reporting party at Marshall Apartments West attempted to get a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend. Information only.
7:33 p.m.: Smoke check
? There was a dumpster fire at North America Hall. Referred to other agency, San Diego Fire Department.

Wednesday, October 31
1:23 a.m.: Citizen flag-down
? There was a complaint at the intersection of Villa La Jolla Drive and Nobel Drive of “a publicly intoxicated adult male cussing at passersby and walking into traffic.” Transported to detox.
4:07 p.m.: Injury
? An adult female fell and struck her head at Hopkins Parking Structure. Transported to hospital.
4:11 p.m.: Medical aid
? An adult female at Student Health was having a seizure. Transported to hospital.
10:15 p.m.: Citizen contact
? The subject at Sixth College Apartments was “in possession of metal
knuckles.” Report taken.

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