“This time pizza is not the object of our desire, it is cake,” he said.
Marshall Senator Bryan Cassella reported that About the Music, a foundation that provides grants to teachers in 42 districts in the San Diego area, will be sponsoring by Sun God for a Cause.
Associate Vice President of Enterprise Brian McEuen explained that the council is running a Student Fee Survey to gauge student interest in Student Fee-funded programs. He also told the council about Triton Outfitter’s popularity with new families on Triton day, and the inclusion of Triton Outfitters for Tots in the Sun God merchandise.
Revelle Senator Meena Kaushik announced that the first renovation meeting for Plaza Café will be held next week.
“One of your favorite dining halls, Plaza, is going under renovation,” she said. It’s definitely among the top six in terms of dining halls.
The council sang a rousing “happy birthday” song to Associate Vice President of Student Advocacy Bryce Farrington.
Farrington and former Associate Vice President of Student Advocacy Arohi Sharma proceeded to present council with the revisions being made to the Student Conduct Code.
Sharma noted that the rewritten code is a step in the right direction, but voiced her concern with the lack of administrative accountability and the remaining vagueness in process, procedures and regulations.
“I can’t emphasize that point enough,” she said.
Farrington explained the mechanics of the Community Standards Board, which will replace the Campuswide Judicial Board in dealing with cases of possible suspension, dismissal, jurisdiction appeals and cases that involve multiple students from different college councils.
Farrington stressed the inclusion of the line “other disruptive activity incompatible with the orderly operation of the campus.”
“This can seriously affect everyone—this could literally be anything,” he said.
Bobbitt, who was also named Councilmember of the Week, presented his plan for the future of the freshman council, including an expansion of the council without a limitation on membership.
During the debate, Campuswide Senator Matthew Bradbury noted the lack of criteria available to judge applicants to the freshman council.
After much debate, the council voted to expand the freshman council, passing the measure 22-1.
Council passed a more lighthearted measure sponsored by A.S. President Alyssa Wing declaring the superiority of the ASUCSD LipDub over the ASUCI Lip Dub.