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Lights & Sirens

4:54 p.m.: Welfare check
? An “intoxicated and combative” subject was at Student Health Center. Transported to hospital.

Saturday, Jan. 28
1:22 a.m.: Quiet hours contact
? Marijuana was “confiscated” at The Village Building 4. Marijuana confiscated.
2:13 a.m.: Noise disturbance
? Students were “playing ping pong” at Muir Apartments. Information only.
11:56 a.m.: Reckless driving
? A student received a citation for reckless driving at Price Center. Closed by adult citation.

Sunday, Jan. 29
12:18 a.m.: Vandalism
? A store associate drew graffiti and caused $100 in damage to Che Café. Closed by adult citation.
11:06 a.m.: Disturbance
? Three “juvenile BMX riders” were riding at Price Center Plaza. Will cooperate.
12:30 p.m.: Injury
? The subject fell at the pool at Natatorium and injured his or her left leg. Transported to hospital.

Monday, Jan. 30
10:50 a.m.: Stolen vehicle
? A UC cart was missing at Marshall Provost Office. Information only.
12:22 p.m.: Suspicious package
? A possibly hazardous package was left at Leichtag. Checks OK.
4:05 p.m.: Hazard situation
? A syringe was found at the Faculty Club. Referred to other agency – EH&S.
7:32 p.m.: Medical aid
? A young adult female was dizzy and lost consciousness at Price Center. Refused medical treatment.

Tuesday, Jan. 31
6:42 a.m.: Hazardous situation
? A stalled vehicle was blocking traffic at the intersection of Villa La Jolla Drive and La Jolla Village Drive. Referred to other agency – VA Police.
7:25 a.m.: Injury
? An adult female tripped and fell on the cement ground at VA Hospital. Report taken.
8:46 a.m.: Citizen contact
? The reporter at Pines Dining Hall has been having a “continuous problem finding piles of [burnt] toilet paper” in the men’s restroom. Report taken.
1:37 p.m.: Welfare check
? Two adults were seen sitting too close to the edge on the south side of Student Services Center. Unable to locate.
5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.: Grand theft
? Someone stole $1,000 from Roots in Muir College. Online report.

Wednesday, Feb. 1
3:48 p.m.: Suicide attempt
? The subject attempted to commit suicide at Engineering Building Unit 3B. Transported to hospital.

Thursday, Feb. 2
6:37 a.m.: Suspicious person
? The subject was “sitting by the front door of Internal Medicine Group Building 4 while brushing his hair.” Unable to locate.
1:21 p.m.: Suspicious person
? A male subject was “handing out flyers” at Library Walk. Will cooperate.
6:11 p.m.: Citizen contact
? The subject at University Extension Complex kept showing up for class without having paid. Checks OK.

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