Friday, May 6
1:57 a.m.: Suspicious person
A transient was following two students walking at Black’s Beach, yelling profanities at them. Checks OK.
6:15 a.m.: Drunk in public
A male was staggering around Matthews Apartments while vomiting. Report taken.
1:06 p.m.: Information
A female student with a history of similar knee problems dislocated her knee while sitting down at Muir Apartments. Information only.
2:01 p.m.: Report of petty theft
The Bookstore got photos of someone stealing a book from the premises. Report taken.
Saturday, May 7
1:46 a.m.: Drunk in public
A male was vomiting in front of the Village. Detention only.
11:27 p.m.: Suspicious person
Two male transients were going through the recyclables at Lot 208. Field interview administered.
Sunday, May 8
4:19 p.m.: Hit and run
The reporter saw a vehicle hit a blue BMW SUV and a truck in Lot 206 and move to another parking lot. Report taken.
5:07 p.m.: Suspicious person
A male in his 30s was carrying a cane and dancing and was presumably drunk or on drugs. Report taken.
5:32 p.m.: Bicycle theft
An unlocked red bike at Pepper Canyon Hall was stolen. Information only.
Monday, May 9
12:36 p.m.-: Bicyclist stop
An officer stopped a bicyclist on Library Walk. Verbal warning issued.
2:37 p.m.: Chemical exposure
There was a smell of gas near the outside play area at Rebecca and John Moores Cancer Center. Referred to other agency.
Tuesday, May 10
8:27 a.m.: Petty theft
Someone took plants from a new landscaping area near Hubbs Hall on Biological Grade at the Scripps campus. Report taken.
10:53 a.m.: Demonstration
A Jewish student group was protesting a Palestinian display on Library Walk. Information only.
Wednesday, May 11
3:24 a.m.: Report of fraud
The reporter purchased a fake Sun God festival ticket on for $75 and realized the ticket was a fake, but the suspect was unreachable. Report taken.
9:28 a.m.: Trespass
A man in his 60s refused to leave Geisel Library and was yelling at students and staff members. Report taken.
3:35 p.m.: Welfare check
The reporter heard a female screaming as if she was being attacked, but she was just watching a movie. Information only.
4:26 p.m.: Medical aid
A male in his 20s passed out during a workout at RIMAC. Information only.
Thursday, May 12
7:42 a.m.: Suspicious person
A female with binoculars was hiding in the bushes at Pacific Hall. Unable to locate.
10:06 a.m.: Accident, no injury
A shuttle collided with a rental car on La Jolla Village Drive. Report taken.