Firstly, I apologize that your life back in NorCal was so mundane and uneventful that you had to fantasize about coming to UCSD and taking drunken photos of friends “humping the Triton Statue.” Obviously you didn’t get the memo that UCSD prioritizes research and education (the recent student fee increases are an obvious indication of that).
As a second-year, I value my education here at UCSD and always attempt to take a role in the “social scene,“ as you call it. While I may not wake up next to a complete stranger after a night of drinking, I do partake in the parts of campus life that foster friendship, community and other aspects of campus life that involve more than sitting in my room alone with a bottle of alcohol. Admittedly, while UCSD is not as STD-ridden as SDSU and as full as intoxicated students who can handle more than one beer, not everyone here shares your distaste for college life.
Unfortunately, UCSD has not lived up to your social standards and for that you have yourself to blame. Seeing as you so “unknowingly” accepted coming to a place that falls so far below your social standards is a clear indication that you will go far in life. In fact, why even come to college? I’m sure staying back in NorCal and daydreaming about parties and getting shit-faced will suffice. Or perhaps actually doing those things would better suit you.
However, I do commend you on your ability to be so observant and obviously so bored/distressed/ and perturbed as to write a letter to the editor of the Guardian in your first week here. I suggest you stop pulling a Holden Caulfield and do something about your social life here at UCSD.
And on a last note, while your vivid and descriptive depictions of college life show that you have some promise and imagination, I suggest that next time, before submitting a letter to the editor, that you press spell check. I hope that helps and I wish you the best of luck in your first year here at UCSD.
—Elizabeth Garcia
Sophomore, Muir College