Dear Editor,
A rescue plan for our failing economy requires an additional $700,000,000,000. To raise this horrific sum, Congress must increase the current federal debt limit so the Feds can borrow enough to fund the program. The national debt is now $32,000 per American citizen and increasing at a rate of $2 billion per DAY. The finger points at Bush and his Republican/Libertarian party for irresponsible deregulation. Most experts, including a majority of Congress and Federal Reserve members, now agree that deregulation was American capitalism’s downfall. Bush’s answer: Borrow more and let the middle class taxpayer pay — for the next century at least. With the government taking over free enterprise, we are left with corporate socialism. Once again, Republican ideology, also responsible for undermining federal integrity and foreign respect, starting illegal and unjustified wars, corrupting the government and democracy, opposing environmental protection and opposing a woman’s right to birth control and abortion, is now a financial disaster as well. Want more? Then vote Republican/Libertarian.
— Milton H. Saier, Jr.
Professor of biology, UCSD