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University Depends on Librarians, Not Wikipedia

Dear Editor,

It could be argued that a university’s most central facility
is its library. Particularly at a major research institution like the
University of California, the library is not only the primary repository for
accumulated knowledge but the springboard for furthering that knowledge,
whether the user is a student just beginning to explore a field or a faculty
member at its forward frontier.

Over the last quarter century, the science of information
storage and retrieval has progressed immensely. Today’s libraries are not just
repositories for books and documents, but technologically advanced
communication centers with a global reach.

University-level research requires far more than Google and
Wikipedia, and this university’s information search and retrieval systems are
growing increasingly sophisticated. Librarians, especially in the UC system,
must master more skills than ever to aid students, faculty and other
researchers. One would expect that, as professional demands increase,
librarians would receive a concomitant share of the university’s resources.

Unfortunately, even as student numbers and fees increase,
along with dramatic jumps in top-administrator salaries, librarians have been
losing ground to the rising cost of living.

A recent survey of UCSD’s 61 professional librarians
revealed that most work more than 40 hours a week. Part of this is due to the
rising student population, and the library staff has not been increased enough
to keep up. The remaining librarians spend more time than ever working without
increased compensation. While the majority report a high degree of job
satisfaction, they do wish the library had sufficient staff to accommodate
their expanded needs and more time to pursue professional activities such as
their own research and training. While many librarians also report overall good
working relations with library management, it is time for university
administrators to treat these information professionals as equal and respected
partners in our educational mission. After all, university administrators are
willing to raise compensation for themselves and to attract and retain Academic
Senate faculty members in California’s
expensive environment.

“Money is not everything,” said Fred Lonidier, president of
the professional union for non-senate faculty and librarians at UCSD. “But
salaries have a major impact on the kind of librarians we can recruit and

If the administration will not provide them with more time
for professional and creative work, more staff or salary commensurate with
their duties, the UC system will soon inevitably face reduced research and
information services.

And that, we absolutely cannot afford.

— Victor Chen

The Professional Union for Non
Tenure-Track Professors and Librarians

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