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Episode 6: The Dickensian Aspect

"If you have a problem with this, I understand completely." — Freamon

How Things Work in this Blog:

– The Pop Culture Angle: Bit-and-piece comments/links on the Wire’s impacts on pop culture.

– The Coast to Coast Connect:
Think Baltimore’s drama is far from home? The West Coast has its
healthy dose of misspent funds, bought-out politicians and twisted
institutions, so read up on the latest news with links.

– The News Angle:
As an amateur journalist, the Wire’s fifth season hits close to home.
Read up on insights into the newsroom, and how the Guardian operates
similarly/differently to the Baltimore Sun.

The News Angle: The War Veteran Experience

Templeton’s interview with a homeless Iraqi veteran proves the Wire’s grasp on the modern landscape. What was once the Vietnam vet archetype has now aged a generation.

– A news piece on the the growing number of homeless vets from the wars in Iraqi and Afghanistan:

– An entry in the sharply disturbing New York Times series on the traumas of war and its impact on returning soldiers:

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