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Episode 1: More With Less

"The bigger the lie, the more they believe." – Bunk

How Things Work in this Blog:

– The Pop Culture Angle: Bit-and-piece comments/links on the Wire’s impacts on pop culture.

– The Coast to Coast Connect: Think Baltimore’s drama is far from home? The West Coast has its healthy dose of misspent funds, bought-out politicians and twisted institutions, so read up on the latest news with links.

– The News Angle: As an amateur journalist, the Wire’s fifth season hits close to home. Read up on insights into the newsroom, and how the Guardian operates similarly/differently to the Baltimore Sun.

The Pop Culture Angle: Reviews and Commentary on the Wire

– A terrifically written New York Magazine review of the fifth season:

– A profile from The Atlantic on the David Simon, creator of The Wire and "the angriest man on television:"

The Coast to Coast Connect: Budget Battles Beyond Baltimore

When it comes to money, everyone hurts, even California, where the hot news topic is the $14-billion hole our budget has dug itself into.

– General links:,1,3533042.column?coll=la-headlines-california,1,4980795.story,1,2319046.story

– L.A. Times readers’ comments on the fiscal crisis:,1,6024762.graffitiboard?coll=la-util-news-local

– The Wire’s Baltimore might have to do "more with less," but columnist Mark Paul dubs California the "something for nothing" state:,1,1624950.story

– How San Diego fares in the bleak picture:

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