Popularized by such sexpot roles as the undulating urban dreamer of “”Honey”” and bikini-clad scuba babe of “”Into the Blue,”” Jessica Alba now departs from her typically sweaty allure by playing clumsy-yet-lovable penguin trainer Cam in director Mark Helfrich’s “”Good Luck Chuck.””
The romantic comedy’s dilemma hinges on a cursed Charlie Kagan (stand-up comedian Dane Cook), who discovers that every woman he sleeps with marries her next lover. Rapidly recognized by desperate hopefuls as a good luck charm, Charlie soon finds that all sex and no substance is not as lucky as it would initially seem – especially after sexy klutz Cam walks (or rather, trips) into his life. His endeavors in breaking the curse necessitate resisting Cam’s curvaceous come-ons and, of course, sleeping with a repulsive lobster-gorging secretary (the obligatory fat chick in any successful comedy). Though the montage of naked patrons to Charlie’s charm serves as a trite mimicry of “”Wedding Crashers,”” Alba’s looks and Cook’s cult comedic charm promise to draw summer audiences by the truckload. Aug. 24.