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Letter to the Editor

U.S. Government Ignores Geneva Convention

Dear Editor,

It is intolerable for a U.S. citizen to have to live under a government that refuses to support the Geneva Convention, international law, U.N. decisions, test-ban treaties, the Kyoto Accord, civil rights, an independent judiciary system, federal law and the Constitution of the United States. It is equally intolerable to have a government that opposes science, birth control, Plan B pills, evolution, conservation, alternative energy and preservation of endangered species while refusing to take action against global warming, acid rain and smokestack pollution.

It is treasonous to support a government that favors unjust and unjustified warfare, torture of prisoners, illegal detentions, war profiteering, sky-high trade deficits, illegal surveillance, corporate control of elections, political and corporate corruption, dishonest federal agencies and governmental unaccountability.

It is intolerable for a U.S. citizen to have to live under such a government.

As Abraham Lincoln said in 1848, “”The right to rise up and shake off the existing government is a most sacred right.””

The time has obviously come when this right should be exercised.  

– Milton H. Saier Jr.

UCSD Professor of Biology

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