In any research institution, especially one as highly regarded as UCSD, the quality of the faculty dictates the merit of the school. With that in mind, the new Experts on Demand service, which enables faculty experts to be interviewed on live television, will not only give faculty members the ability to share their knowledge with the masses, but will increase the international renown of UCSD as well.
Many faculty members conduct important, relevant research that remains largely inaccessible to the general public. As a public university, UCSD should grant the populace an understanding of what their tax dollars are funding, and this service gives the university the means to do so.
Although this service costs approximately $15,000 per year, this sum is minimal, considering that the university was able to save money by creating the studio out of an already existing infrastructure and funding the service though “internal reallocations” rather than students’ pocketbooks. With rising registration fees and expensive textbooks, the university should be commended for finding the resources to create such a valuable program without having students foot the bill.
Ultimately, the service will only bring prestige to the university, which is advantageous for faculty members and students alike. Surely it won’t be difficult for the program to be worth the cost. The promulgation of knowledge is invaluable to society; no cost should be too great.