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A.S. Council at a Glance

A.S. Council At A Glance

Meeting #24

March 31, 2004

Special Presentations

Terry Le, executive director of the Academic Success Program, reported that A.S.P. is currently compiling an exam archive, looking to increase the number of mentor-student pairs that work in the program, and creating a textbook loan program for financially strained students, among other activities.

Representatives from the group traveled to the UCLA Retention Center, UCLA’s equivalent to A.S.P., to learn about their program and share ideas.

Eleanor Roosevelt College Senior Senator Tom Chapman thanked Le for running A.S.P.

Item of Immediate Consideration

Item D

The A.S. Council approved a $750 allocation for the Okinawan Karate-Do club to compete in the 2004 International Karate Competition by a final vote of 14-3-4.

The council originally failed the measure because the original request of $1,010 exceeded the $750 cap that the Finance Committee set at the beginning of the year for national competition travel.

Successful motions to reconsider the item and amend to $750 reversed the council’s original decision not to fund the club.

Item E

The council approved a contract with Housing & Dining Services to allow students to use meal points at the Grove Caffe by a vote of 16-2-3. See page 1 for more information.


Vice President Finance Eric Webster

Webster reported that applications for students to serve on the Student Organization Funding Advisory Board are now available and are due April 23.

Vice President Academic Affairs Todd Tolin

Tolin reported that last quarter’s finals week midnight food giveaways were extremely successful. Tolin said that it took an hour for food to be completely given away during fall quarter, but that everything was distributed in 10 minutes winter quarter.

Commissioner of Athletics Jordan Cross

Cross encouraged councilmembers and students to attend the first Triton Athletic Council debate between the candidates for commissioner of athletics and president. The debate is April 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the RIMAC Green Room.

Sixth College Sophomore Senator Michael Dawson

Dawson encouraged students to attend the spring quarter all-campus dance on April 2 at 9 p.m. in Price Center Plaza.

Student Affirmative Action Committee Representative Daniel Gonzalez

Gonzalez reported that the Student Affirmative Action Committee will host a town hall meeting regarding a publication of The Koala in the March 29 issue of the Guardian. The meeting will be on April 1 at 5 p.m. in the Cross-Cultural Center lecture hall.

Council Caucus

Councilmembers briefly discussed the possibility of moving next week’s A.S. Council meeting to another date because A.S. general election results are scheduled to be released on that night, April 7.

A straw poll revealed that 24 councilmembers favored keeping the meeting as scheduled while six favored a change. No action was taken and the meeting will proceed as scheduled.

Old Business

Item C

The council approved an allocation of $15,420 for the development and implementation of instant runoff voting on StudentLink by a vote of 20-0-1. The approved package will allocate $13,920 for StudentLink programming and $1,500 for the purchase of third-party tabulation software. The funds will come from mandated reserves.

— Compiled by Neil Spears

Senior Staff Writer

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