Candidate packets for A.S. elections due March 1
Candidate packets for students interested in running in the 2004 A.S. Elections are due March 1 by noon.
Packets are available for pick-up at the A.S. Executive Assistant’s Office on the third floor of Price Center.
All UCSD students are invited to run for a variety of positions. These include president and vice presidents internal, external, finance and academic affairs.
Commissioner positions include athletics, communications, diversity affairs, programming, student services and enterprise operations. Students can also run to represent their college on the A.S. Council as sophomore, junior or senior senators, and can also run for a variety of other positions on their individual college councils.
Campaigning will begin on March 28 and end April 7. For more information, visit
Ethnic studies conference to be held at UCSD March 5
“Crossing Borders: the Second Annual Conference of Ethnic Studies in California” will take place at UCSD on March 5 and March 6.
The conference is organized around the research of graduate students from participating universities. The conference is co-sponsored by UCSD’s department of ethnic studies, California Cultures in Comparative Perspective and Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, as well as the Program in American Studies and Ethnicity at the University of Southern California and the Department of Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley.
The event will feature keynote speaker Haunani-Kay Trask, an activist and a professor at the University of Hawaii-Manoa. Trask is a leader in the Native Hawaiian sovereignty movement, and has spoken at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland; at the World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa; and at various other international gatherings.
Trask is also the author of four books, including “From a Native Daughter: Colonialism and Sovereignty in Hawaii‘i.”
The conference will also include presentations by internationally renowned scholars including Yen-Le Espiritu, Ramon Gutierrez, Alberto Pulido, Michael Omi and George Sanchez.
The conference is free, but requires registration. For more information, visit
UCSD Mock Trial teams qualify for national tourney
Three out of four of UCSD’s Mock Trial teams have qualified for the National Tournament in St. Petersburg, Fla., to be held March 5 to March 7.
The four UCSD teams participated in the Southwestern Regional tournament in Los Angeles on Feb. 21 and Feb. 22. Nahil Bisharat, Sean Stenstrom and Pat Allen all received best attorney awards for their performances in the tournament.
The captains of the qualifying teams are Allen, Stenstrom and Christina Tung. Due to tournament regulation, only the top two teams, Stenstrom and Tung’s teams, will be allowed to attend the national tournament.
The last time the team received a bid to nationals was in 2001.
UCSD’s Mock Trial program is student-run and coached by Director of Student Legal Services Tony Valladolid.
Faculty receive grants to commercialize research
Jacobs School of Engineering faculty have received $275,000 to commercialize its research from the William J. von Liebig Center for Entrepreneurism and Technology Advancement at UCSD.
The six projects awarded include technologies to create synthetic bone for use in dental implants or prosthetics, to put anti-virus and other Internet networking functions on auto-pilot, and for more reliable wireless data services.
This is the fourth round of “gap” grants since the von Liebig Center was established to foster entrepreneurism education on the campus and to provide funding to internal technology projects with commercial potential.
This time, 19 applications were received. With the latest round, the von Liebig Center has awarded more than $1.2 million in grants to 25 projects led by Jacobs School faculty.