Meeting #21
February 25, 2004
Items of Immediate Consideration
Item C
The A.S. Council allocated $2,741 from the student organizations unallocated funds for finals week library security. The money will allow Geisel Library to remain open 24 hours during finals week.
Item F
A resolution in support of open elections committee meetings was not considered because a motion to make the resolution an item of immediate consideration did not pass.
A.S. Elections Manager Tom Chapman
Chapman reported that the filing deadline for candidates who intend to run in the spring 2004 A.S. Elections is March 1 at noon.
Vice President Internal Jenn Pae
Pae reported that the final round of interviews by the chancellor’s search committee on Feb. 25 went very well and that UCSD’s new chancellor will be announced in March.
Council Caucus
The council discussed A.S. priorities for the Price Center and Student Center expansions. A general consensus emerged that parking spaces should be preserved and that Associated Students should be allocated office and storage space in the new buildings.
Old Business
Item H
The council approved spring quarter media allocations as recommended by the Finance Committee. Temper received the largest allocation of $1,899. Future and Finances was ruled ineligible to receive funding.
Item I
The council approved a contract for Books on Campus to provide an online book-swapping service for UCSD students by consensus.
Item J
The council rejected a proposed fee referendum for the spring ballot that would have adjusted the A.S. activity fee every year for inflation.
Item K
Student Organization funding for spring 2004 and appeals were approved by the council per the Finance Committee and Student Organizations Funding Allocation Board’s recommendations. Requests amounted to $208,080 while allocations totaled more than $140,000.
— Compiled by Neil Spears
Senior Staff Writer