Meeting #10
November 5, 2003
Items of Immediate Consideration
Items B, D and G
The A.S. Council approved the appointment of Sixth College Freshman Senator Joseph Chern to the Internal Committee, and Thurgood Marshall College Freshman Senator Alan Haimowitz and Eleanor Roosevelt College Freshman Senator Arielle Maccio to the Finance Committee. See page 7 for more details.
Commissioner of Academic Affairs Todd Tolin
Tolin relayed segments of Acting Chancellor Marsha A. Chandler’s state-of-the-campus address. According to Tolin, Chandler says that despite the “”difficult financial times”” faced by the university, it remains in “”robust”” condition.
Tolin also reported that the search for a permanent provost at John Muir College will not begin until 2004-05. This was planned so that the search does not coincide with the current search for a replacement for Earl Warren College Provost David K. Jordan who will step down at the end of this academic year.
Susan Kirkpatrick will continue to serve as interim provost at Muir until a replacement is found.
Vice President External Harish Nandagopal
Nandagopal announced that the University of California Student Association will be holding a “”Day of Action”” on Nov. 17, protesting fee increases and possible enrollment caps at the UC Board of Regents’ meeting to be held at UCLA.
For more information, contact the Office of External Affairs at (858) 534-0474.
Commissioner of Athletics Jordan Cross
Cross reported that the women’s volleyball team’s victory over Cal State San Bernardino on Oct. 31 has rocketed the team to first place in the nation in Division II.
Additionally, Cross reported that if the women’s volleyball and women’s soccer teams win the remainder of their games, UCSD will host the NCAA qualifying rounds in those sports. See page 24 for more details.
Commissioner of Enterprise Operations Jeremy Cogan
Cogan reported that construction of a ropes course has been approved by the administration and that building will begin in late January 2004. According to Cogan, the course should be operational within days of the onset of construction.
Inter-College Residents’ Association Representative Gillian Sonnad
Sonnad urged council members and students to donate blood in the wake of the San Diego wildfires.
Revelle College Council Chair Melissa Tsang
Tsang reported that proposed changes to Revelle College Council’s constitution were approved by Revelle students in a collegewide election. See page 1 for more information.
Vice President Internal Jennifer Pae
Pae reported that free tickets for the Nov. 6 San Diego Sockers game are available to UCSD students. Tickets can be picked up from Tracie Davee, A.S. marketing coordinator, in the A.S. office on the third floor of Price Center.
Old Business
Item H
The council approved the appointment of Revelle College Freshman Senator Janet Wang to the Finance Committee.
Item F
After a motion to pull the item from committee failed, the council approved the allocation of $3,000 for the “”Rock On Roosevelt”” event to be held on Feb. 6, 2004.
Vice President Internal Jennifer Pae
Pae announced that A.S. Marketing Coordinator Tracie Davee will be leaving the A.S. Council to pursue a new position as the manager of student programs with the UCSD Alumni Association.
‹Compiled by Neil Spears
Senior Staff Writer