Old Business
Item H
The A.S. Council initiated an open role call vote on the wording of a University Centers Expansion and Renovation Fee Referendum that would, if passed, introduce a $39-per-student, per-quarter fee to fund expansion in the Price Center and Student Center.
Senators have until 4 p.m. on April 4 to cast their vote on the referendum question wording, which was submitted by University Center Expansion Task Force Chair Garo Bournoutian and endorsed by the UCETF. A.S. President Jenn Brown and other council members wished to amend the referendum to guarantee student autonomy over supervision of the expansion’s construction and design, but a motion was made to approve the referendum as written before amendments could be proposed.
Council members also discussed the objectiveness of the referendum wording, some arguing that potential “”pros”” of the referendum’s passage were embedded in the text. Students are scheduled to vote on the referendum seventh week of Spring Quarter.
Item D
The A.S. Council tabled a resolution “”in response to the elimination of 1,103 ‘S’ parking spaces made in the UCSD transportation and parking committee’s report in February 2003″” until next week.
Commissioner of Services and Enterprises Jeremy Gallagher
Gallagher announced that a managerial merging of A.S. Soft Reserves and A.S. Lecture Notes has begun.
Elections Manager Robin Shelton
Shelton reported that the Elections Committee has started “”to receive complaints [and] grievances about other slates and candidates.””
Shelton also reported that a debate featuring the presidential candidates will be held April 3 at noon in Price Center Plaza.
Vice President Internal Kevin Shawn Hsu
Hsu, along with several other council members, announced that the National Day of Silence, a “”reminder of the way in which so many people are silenced because of their sexual orientation,”” will occur April 9.
Participants in the nationwide event will be completely silent for the entire day.
— Compiled by Clayton Worfolk
Senior Staff Writer