Last week, the UC Board of Regents finished its first official visit to UCSD since 1999. During their stay, the Regents were treated to several presentations about the current situation on campus and the future of UCSD. During one of the presentations, Chancellor Robert C. Dynes said that UCSD is “”on track for being a model institution of the 21st century.”” This is nice, but it was a later comment by Dynes that is most noteworthy. In reference to the ongoing UC labor disputes, Dynes told the UC Regents how important those workers are to the campus and that he could not do his job without that staff.
In light of the protests and bad blood between the UCSD administration and the workers, who have said that UCSD is a bad employer on several occasions, it was a great gesture for Dynes to go to bat for the faculty and staff on campus, recognizing just how much they do and how integral they are to the everyday operations of UCSD. Often, the jobs of the staff get overlooked. These are people that not only teach our classes, but also serve us food and keep our classrooms and study areas clean and safe. These may not be the most glamorous of jobs, but that does not make them any less important to the everyday operations of UCSD.
This was not something that Dynes had to do. However, the fact that he made it an issue during a visit from some of the most powerful people in the University of California really showed that he is willing to stick up for the faculty and staff.
It is also worth noting that Student Regent Dexter Ligot-Gordon applauded Dynes for his comments supporting the faculty and staff at UCSD. He even took it a step further and said, “”The [labor] problems are not really his fault; they are really the Regents’ fault.”” This showed that Dynes’ comments did have an effect and will hopefully open the Regents’ eyes about the labor situation so that there can be a swift and fair resolution to the disputes.