So … you forgot that Valentine’s Day is coming up. Maybe you’ve been so caught up with your significant other that you can barely keep the dates straight. Or maybe you want to take this opportunity to tell that person what you think about their great ass … um, we mean their personality. Well, here are some gift ideas for those who just don’t know where to start.
For Girls:
Flowers/Stuffed animals. Yes, it’s a fairly obvious choice, but you can never go wrong. If roses are too cheesy (or expensive), try a colorful bouquet of wildflowers, or any others that catch your eye. She’ll melt, and you’ll come off as being very “”sweet.””
Spa kits. Available at most beauty stores like Sephora, they will make her feel like a princess. If you really want to be a stud, pamper her yourself with the kit (you know you want to).
Fuzzy Slippers. She’ll absolutely love them. They’re comfortable and keep your feet warm. There are plenty available with Valentine’s Day motifs this time of year.
Poetry. Don’t worry — you don’t have to write it. There are plenty of compilations on love available by poets like Rumi. Bonus points if you write a little note to her on the inside of the cover.
Dinner. It can be homemade or takeout that you arranged in a picnic basket. Invite her to your place (don’t forget to clean!), or take her to the beach. Either way, she’ll be impressed.
For Guys:
Lingerie. He won’t even realize you bought it for yourself. Everybody wins.
Baked Goods. Cookies, cakes, pies … get creative with heart shaped molds, different colored frosting and sprinkles. Add a personalized touch by writing little messages on them.
Boxers. They’re available in almost any texture and print, so you can be as crazy or tame as you want.
Massage. Light a few candles, get some lightly scented oils or lotions, and get working. Don’t forget tense areas like the shoulders and back.
Photographs. Put a picture of yourself (or the two of you) in a frame, and voila! Give it an individual touch by including something special like a dried flower you kept from the first bouquet of flowers he gave you.
Although most of these gifts can work for the opposite sex, here’s a thoughtful gesture: Fill a box with Hershey’s Kisses. Tape one kiss on the lid, with a sign that says, “”Our first kiss …,”” and put another one inside the box that says, “”And all the ones that followed.”” If you can, spend some extra time decorating the box. Be prepared for a lot of real kisses.