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Letter to the Editor


Re: “”UC System Pressured to ‘Go Solar'”” from Vol. 107, Issue 3 of The UCSD Guardian.

Thank you for your recent article expressing the significance of the UC Go Solar campaign, which has had an extremely successful campaign on many UC campuses. Although your article focuses mainly on UCLA, it is important to realize that the UC Go Solar campaign has an overwhelming amount of support right here on the UCSD campus as well.

As of our kickoff meeting on Oct. 3, the UC Go Solar campaign already had over 70 dedicated volunteers and over a dozen interns working hard to put the UC Go Solar resolution in effect here at UCSD. The advocates will rally to get the resolution passed, first through the A.S. Council, and ultimately by the UC Regents on Nov. 13 of this year.

Already, 1,200 UCSD students, faculty and staff have signed petitions showing a tremendous amount of support in favor of passing the resolution, which would require all new and renovated buildings to receive 25 percent of their electricity from solar panels, and an additional 25 percent renewable energy efficiency.

Thank you again for helping to bring the UC Go Solar campaign to the attention of the UCSD community, but again, it is important for UCSD students, faculty and staff to understand that they too can join the historic efforts of the campaign by volunteering and rallying even stronger support for UC Go Solar right here on the UCSD campus! Students who are interested in joining the campaign efforts can contact us by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

— Maureen Abdelsayed

Student Coordinator,

Greenpeace, USA

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