The sticker previously used to validate student registration status has been eliminated in favor of an online registration method developed by the Student Business Services Office and Administrative Computing and Telecommunications.
Until now, a validation sticker wasaffixed to the back of the student identification card each quarter. University departments, as well as student services like Canyonview pool and RIMAC, use this sticker to determine whether a particular student is enrolled during a given quarter and has paid enrollment fees. In the past, students have been required to obtain these colorful stickers each quarter, waiting in line at the Student Business Services office.
“”Waiting in line for that damn sticker every quarter was always extremely annoying,”” said Mike Pedersen, a Warren junior. “”Sometimes I wouldn’t even get around to doing it until the quarter was partially over, and then they wouldn’t let me into the gym.””
Mark Cooper, director of Student Business Services, believes the elimination of the validation sticker is an extremely positive development.
“”We are confident that the online tool will enhance our ability to more accurately determine a student’s registration status,”” Cooper said. “”[It] will be a tremendous benefit to the students, who will no longer be required to stand in long lines each quarter to receive their sticker.””
A campus notice was issued last April, notifying departments of the initiative to eliminate the sticker. A survey was conducted to identify whether departments depended on the sticker for validating student registration status.
Of the 68 departments that responded, 13 indicated that they relied on the sticker. Each of those departments was contacted, and their concerns were included in the design of the new alternative.
With the new online registration validation tool, faculty can obtain a student’s registration status in three ways: by entering the student’s personal identification number; by swiping the student’s ID card with a magnetic stripe reader, which faculty can attach to their computers; or by entering the bar code into a computer manually.
The status of the student will then be revealed as registered or unregistered for the current quarter. Faculty can also determine registration status retrospectively.
“”I’m glad that they finally took all this out of the students’ hands,”” Pedersen said. “”That stupid sticker always had a tendency to peel off.””