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Letters to the Editor: No conflict of interest in election


I would like to clear up a few points that were made in the editorial printed on April 18. The article accuses me of having “”a blatant conflict of interest”” by wanting to hold my position as “”program manager”” at KSDT, even if I were elected as the commissioner of programming.

What bothered me about this statement was that the A.S. Programming Office and KSDT have no affiliation. The A.S. programmer does not deal with funding for KSDT or anything else that would be a conflict of interest with KSDT.

The argument that was made in the editorial states that anyone involved with student government should not be involved with any other student organization funded by the A.S. Council because it is a conflict of interest, even if the office one holds does not directly deal with the organization they are a part of. This doesn’t make any sense to me.

Second, there is no “”program manager”” position at KSDT. The position that I hold is promotions director, which does not even deal with any of the A.S. Council-related aspects of KSDT. I wish that the editorial staff would know about the positions they are writing about before they decide to print such an article.

Third, I would like to reaffirm that I am very competent and experienced for the position. Currently, I am promotions director at KSDT, from which I know most of the major promoters around San Diego and speak with them on a weekly basis. I book shows at the Che Cafe. And I will be interning at Interscope Records, one of the biggest labels in the country. I have local experience through the radio station, experience with smaller bands through the Che Cafe and experience with larger acts through Interscope.

I understand that I have not been on the programming board, and I see the reasons for not endorsing me, but I do not think it is acceptable to accuse my loss as being the “”silver lining in the abyss.”” It is completely ridiculous and very deceiving.

— Rishi Shah

KSDT Promotions Director

Regents took a slice of profit from Palestinian fund-raiser


Thank you so much for your excellent coverage of the Palestinian fund-raiser held at UCSD on April 20.

Unfortunately, one important detail was left out. While over $100,000 was raised at this event, it was not mentioned that 4 percent of all funds raised were to be seized by the UC Regents.

This profiteering off funds earmarked for humanitarian relief is appalling and morally repugnant. This money was intended to fund food assistance for destitute Palestinians, equipment for hospitals, care for traumatized children and more.

It is disgusting that $4,000 of these funds will now be spent in a vain attempt to quench the greedy thirst of the regents.

— Omar Gaya

Earl Warren College student

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