The Guardian endorses Lance Feller for the position of commissioner of academic affairs. Feller’s knowledge of the issues and considerations pertaining to the office are extensive, and he has clearly shown, through experience and campaigning, an ability to fight for pertinent student issues while being diplomatic with faculty and administration.
Feller boasts experience as the student member of the Academic Senate’s committee on admissions, which is crucial practice for the office for which he campaigns: The commissioner of academic affairs sits as the student representative on the Academic Senate and makes appointments for student members on Academic Senate committees.
In addition, Feller has demonstrated a knowledge of topics above and beyond admissions that rivals any of this year’s candidates. In particular, he clearly articulated the reasons the administration changed to a 10-minute passing period, and he has a clear plan to bring back the 15-minute period. While other candidates derided the change without articulating solutions, Feller understood that the administration can get funds for an extra lecture hall by using the 10-minute passing period to demonstrate that UCSD is at full capacity. Feller recognized that the quickest way back to a 15-minute passing period is lobbying to expedite funds for a new lecture hall. He also articulated possible ways to mitigate the effects of the shortened times in the interim.
Appallingly, his nearest opponent, Halle Beitollahi, did not even express much opposition to the passing period change despite the fact that it’s a great concern for UCSD students. Despite her experience as assistant commissioner of academic affairs, Beitollahi seemed relatively ignorant of the issues at hand. While her campaign platform ideas are attractive — such as expanded library hours during midterms — she showed little understanding of the funding for such programs and the externalities of the ideas she wishes to implement. While Feller showed that he would fight the reduction of students’ rights during academic dishonesty hearings, Beitollahi demonstrated apathy toward the matter and had a limited understanding of the issue.
Feller understands that the administration and faculty are not ignorant adults trying to screw students, and he understands the issues well enough to choose the fights that are necessary and that can be won within the constraints of the system. In short, Feller is one of the most qualified candidates for any position for which the Guardian is endorsing candidates, and is miles beyond his opponents.
Additional candidates:
Halle Beitollahi
Jessica Oseguera