Monday, Feb. 18
12:32 a.m.: An 18-year-old male student suffered a drug overdose on the walkway near Sequoyah Hall. Transported to Thornton Hospital by paramedics.
7:30 p.m.: An 18-year-old female student suffered stomach pain after an apparent overdose of aspirin. Transported to Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla by paramedics.
Tuesday, Feb. 19
11:27 a.m.: A student reported the theft of a Palm handheld computer from Geisel Library. Loss: $350.
3:13 p.m.: A 23-year-old female student complained of stomach pains at AP&M. Transported to Thornton Hospital by paramedics.
5:00 p.m.: A student reported the theft of a teal-green Giant Acapulco bike from the Peterson Hall bike racks. Loss: $100.
Wednesday, Feb. 20
12:01 a.m.: A 25-year-old male staff member got chemicals in his eyes at Geisel Library. Transported to Thornton Hospital by officer.
5:47 p.m.: Officers detained two 13-year-old male nonaffiliates at the UCSD Bookstore for petty theft. One was released to parents at the police station; the other was transported to his residence and released to his parents.
11:45 p.m.: Officers detained a 19-year-old male student at the Marshall Lower Apartments for being a danger to himself. Transported to North Central Mental Health Center.
Thursday, Feb. 21
11:05 a.m.: Officers arrested a 20-year-old male student in Lot 302 for misuse of a handicap placard. Cited and released.
12:30 p.m.: A student reported the theft of a green-and-yellow Kawasaki bike from the bike rack south of Geisel Library. Loss: $40.
3:00 p.m.: A student reported the theft of money from Bonner Hall. Loss: $65.
Friday, Feb. 22
4:37 p.m.: A student reported the theft of a computer game system from Galathea Hall. Loss: $350.
5:35 p.m.: A student reported the theft of a portable phone from the Price Center Theater. Loss: $130.
8:30 p.m.: A 26-year-old male nonaffiliate and a 19-year-old male nonaffiliate were ordered off campus for seven days after causing a disturbance at the Warren Apartments.
Saturday, Feb. 23
12:32 p.m.: Officers notified Environmental Health and Safety of a swarm of bees at the Warren basketball courts.
1:44 p.m.: Police and San Diego Fire Department responded to a fire alarm at the Marshall apartments, caused by an unknown person activating a pull station.
4:39 p.m.: A student reported burglary to a white 1995 Ford Mustang in Lot 701. Loss: $250.
10:57 p.m.: Officers detained a 19-year-old male nonaffiliate in Lot 104 for being a danger to himself and others. Transported to North Central Mental Health Center.
— Compiled by Josh Crouse
News Editor