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Gulls Rock the Sports Arena

The resounding crack of taped wood on frozen rubber echoes off the rafters and, as a collective, the crowd bolts to its feet as if a streak of red-hot lightning had just flown up into everyone’s seat from the foundations. The newly airborne projectile slices through the thick arena air and finds its way home, just out of the reach of the lunging, masked man in the net. The lamp is lit, and pandemonium ensues.

Lyon Liew

No, that was not your latest psychedelic-fueled midnight freak-out. It was just a typical moment on a typical night at a typical hockey game. Ice hockey is one of the greatest spectator sports ever to have been staged (with all due respects to foxy boxing and sword-wielding pirate duels), and here in San Diego, we are lucky to not only have a top-notch hockey club, but also a venue where we can take in a game without having to peddle our spleen on eBay to finance the endeavor.

While purists will be enthralled by the skilled play of the Gulls and their counterparts in the West Coast Hockey League, there are also many added attractions and promotions for those who do not follow hockey so closely and are just looking for a night of good old-fashioned fun.

Recently, the Guardian was lucky enough to attend a game down at San Diego’s Sports Arena. While this establishment may not be kept up very well and is lacking the high-tech accoutrements that most arenas possess, it more than makes up for the peeling paint with an overflow of old-school charm. With its vaguely ’70s feel and well-worn seats, the San Diego Sports Arena is a great place to take in a sporting event.

Lyon Liew

As if the exciting on-ice antics of the stick-wielding playas were not enough, the Gulls management has tossed a bunch of other wacky ingredients into the mix, such as the cannon mobile, which circles the ice between periods, firing T-shirts and other souvenirs into the stands with an almost frightening velocity.

There is also the mascot, a feathered fanatic who wanders the stands, bringing laughter and merriment to the young and old alike. The Gulls Girls also do their part to entertain the crowd, dancing and whirling about the arena in skimpy yet decorative garments.

So the next time you and your roommate feel like beating each other with a stick, resist at all costs, and instead go watch two highly trained professionals beat each other with their own sticks. Just pick up a ticket, which, starting at $5, is within even your budget, purchase a hot dog and a beer (or five) from the snack bar and buckle yourself in for some rock ’em, sock ’em hockey action.

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