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1/4 Lights and Sirens

Friday, Dec. 25

1:48 a.m. Welfare Check

Subject told not to drive due to being heavily medicated, but still drove off on Genesee toward I‐5 freeway. Unable to locate.

10:40 a.m. Welfare Check

Public Intoxication; report of male slumped over inside vehicle on passenger side with loud music playing. Transported to detox.

5:33 p.m. Information

Doors have sign stating doors will be locked for the break, but they are unlocked. Referred to other UCSD department.

Saturday, Dec. 26

12:34 a.m. Information

Sound of water flowing through pipes inside building, reporting party checking for source and will call back if assistance is needed. Information only.

Sunday, Dec. 27

12:04 a.m. Information

Per San Diego Police, at 11:49 p.m. of 12/26/2015, report of black sedan that hit two parked vehicles, vehicle last seen south of location. Information only.

3:11 a.m. Citizen Contact

Sounds of cursing on 4th floor patio level. Checks OK.

10:14 a.m. Drunk In Public

Report of adult male with open vehicle doors and engine running, vomit around vehicle. Closed by adult arrest.

3:48 p.m. Medical Aid

Adult male with back pain having difficulty walking. Transported to hospital.

8:07 p.m. Illegal parking

Reporting party inquiring if OK to call for private tow of vehicle in parking space. Information only.

Monday, Dec. 28

12:52 a.m. Citizen Contact

Three subjects near Dr. Seuss statue. Transferred to other agency.

12:20 p.m. Citizen Contact

Group of people. Checks ok.

11:04 p.m. Citizen Contact

Disabled vehicle being hooked up by tow truck, facing wrong way. Checks OK.

Tuesday, Dec. 29

8:39 a.m. Citizen Contact

Reporting party found smoke pipe during move out inspection. Service provided.

1:47 p.m. Fire Alarm

Custodians heat steaming. Checks ok.


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