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A.S. Council at a Glance

Public Input

A.S. Council President Jenn Brown spoke during the public input segment of the meeting because she wanted to speak longer than the one-minute limit allotted to council member reports. Brown expressed her disgust with a significantly amended UC Office of the President Fee Policy proposal. According to Brown, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Joseph W. Watson had earlier promised Associated Students it would have a say in such policy-making.


A.S. Council President Brown

Brown announced that there will be a national No on CRENO summit at UCSD on May 3 and 4.

Vice President External Stephen Klass

Klass reported that he will be assembling a campus “”No More Tuition Raises”” committee.

Commissioner of Athletics Robin Shelton

Shelton reported that students can now listen to UCSD basketball live at http;// during game times. Shelton also announced that a Spirit Night rally will be held Jan. 23 at noon in Price Center Plaza.

A.S. Elections Manager Shelton

One week into his new position, Shelton reported that “”Election bylaw changes have been proposed as new business for this week.”” Shelton also reported that he is seeking potential elections committee members.

Marshall College Sophomore Senator Jeff Le

Le reported that he met recently with Associate Director for UCSD Housing and Dining Services Mark Cunningham. According to Le, Cunningham said that the Triton Plus extension program is currently working with Ralph’s to discuss the possibility of expanding Triton Plus usage to the store.

Old Business

Item J

Passed by consensus

Resolution opposing the “”Tradition of No Traditions””

The A.S. Council unanimously passed a resolution opposing Chancellor Robert C. Dynes’ use of the phrase, “”a tradition of no traditions,”” to describe UCSD. According to Brown, who submitted the resolution with Vice President Internal Kevin Hsu, Dynes has used the phrase at several private gatherings. The resolution states that UCSD “”is a campus rich with meaningful and positive traditions,”” including “”a proud tradition of … research and academic exploration, … an impressive tradition of athletic competition,”” and “”long-held traditions, such as the six-college Unolympics, the Chancellor’s 5K … [and] the Sun God festival and concert.””

Item M

Open role call vote will be completed by Jan. 24. The A.S. Council will vote on an amendment to Article II, Section E of the A.S. Constitution that would make commissioner of athletics an appointed position. Commissioner of athletic relations is currently an elected office.

Item N


Item N, an amendment to Article II, Section I of the A.S. Constitution that defines the terms of the commissioner of athletics appointment, was tabled in recognition of the uncertain status of Item M.

— Compiled by Clayton Worfolk

Senior Staff Writer

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