From teen idol on “21 Jump Street” to goofy pirate Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp is still hot. His career on the big screen has been on and off, from “Edward Scissorhands” to “Sleepy Hollow “ and “Chocolat,” with few popular hits until “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Once Upon a Time in Mexico.”
Depp’s eccentric characters accentuate his mysterious, atypical, sexy and intriguing off-screen life. He has the talent to give a strange-but-appealing charm to a pale, timid guy with scissors for fingers (“Edward”), make a mockery out of a corrupt CIA agent (“Once Upon a Time”), and turn a traditional romantic action hero into a total goof (“Pirates”) and still look damn hot. Coming from 13 years of acting in strange roles, he finally gets a well-deserved Oscar nomination.