A.S. Council Meeting #22
March 3, 2004
Items of Immediate Consideration
Item A
An allocation of $750 for UCSD to compete in the national Mock Trial competition on March 5 through March 7 in St. Petersburg, Fla., was approved by the council by a vote of 14-5-2. The measure comes after a separate funding request for the organization was turned down by the council at its Feb. 25 meeting.
Elections Manager Tom Chapman
Chapman reported that over 50 students filed paperwork to run in spring quarter’s A.S. Elections. A complete list of candidates will be released as soon as each student’s eligibility is confirmed.
Old Business
Item V
The council voted not to fund the publication Future & Finances because the organization’s $1,000 funding request did not have the signature of a Student Organizations and Leadership Opportunities adviser. Some senators also expressed concerns regarding allegations that the editor in chief of the publication makes money on the publication. The funding request was failed by a vote of 1-16-3.
Vice President Academic Affairs Todd Tolin
Tolin announced that the Science and Engineering section of Geisel Library will be open 24 hours a day beginning Friday of tenth week.
Thurgood Marshall College Sophomore Senator Kate Pillon
Pillon announced that legislation allowing constitutional amendments to receive approval by college councils before being presented to the A.S. Council was ratified by four college councils and will subsequently be incorporated into the A.S. Constitution.
— Compiled by Neil Spears
Senior Staff Writer