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A.S. Elections Endorsements – Vice President Academic Affairs

Jared Feldman of the Unity slate has both the passion and the concrete ideas to make the most out of the vice presidency of academic affairs. The position switched from being a commissioner position just last quarter, offering the possibility of expanding the position into new realms. Feldman has the vision down pat.

Feldman, who worked in the president’s office this year, has already had a pointed interest in academic affairs, and is extensively knowledgeable about academic issues on campus. He recognizes the great opportunity his office will have to work on issues in individual college’s writing requirements, which are currently up for review. Feldman is also a great advocate for helping to develop new interdisciplinary majors and minors, which he sees as the future of higher education (and the reason why so many students are already double or triple majors). Even Feldman’s ideas for academic-themed housing are well thought-out, easily dispelling any fears of huge halls of engineering majors. As Feldman wisely put it, only the students who want that common denominator in their housing will choose this option, and will enjoy it. This is an option that has worked at many universities, and more housing options will make for happier students.

In addition to all his refreshing visions, Feldman also has a firm grip on the realities of what can and can’t be done. He knows that while he will work hard on restoring O.A.S.I.S. funding, no one can promise to achieve this in a year, and that it would be misspent energy to lobby the UC Regents on this matter, but he will work hard on campus. His very professional approach to the job will also help him forge strong relationships with faculty and academic committees in order to help get students what they want from their academics.

Caroline Song, running with Students First!, has worked hard in the external office this year, but is not prepared to make a switch into the world of academic affairs. She has just started exploring academic issues, and it is clear that her strength and passion lie in the external office — this would not benefit academic affairs. It is unfortunate that she did not pursue her strengths in this year’s election by running for vice president external.

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