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UCAB, Cookies and “Some Nights” Set Stage for Meeting

Special presentations began with another update from UCEN President Albert Trujillo regarding the organization’s budget deficit. UCAB recently recommended a referendum that would increase student fees by $13 in order to balance UCEN’s budget and address a laundry list of maintenance concerns. UCEN projects that updates and repairs for Price Center and Student Center will total $14.8 million over 12 years.

Somehow, the whimsical font of this Prezi seemed ill suited to such a serious topic.

UCAB’s fee increase also includes a sneaky little addition in the form of Consumer Price Index — or CPI — adjustments, a term that I definitely needed to Google. Trujillo asserted that the CPI is necessary in order to account for inflation, as well as the fact that UCSD’s student enrollment is leveling off.

The addition of these fluctuating fees proved to be a point of serious concern among council. A.S. President Meggie Le asked Trujillo if UCEN would consider forgoing the CPI and retaining the option to come back in 5 years for more money. Trujillo was hesitant to answer on behalf of GSA.

“Based on how the meeting with GSA went last time, we’re just waiting to see what happens,” Trujillo said.

Trujillo also mentioned that the fee would allow for more retail in Price Center, and the tentative reopening of the Crafts Center. If passed on the spring ballot, the full fee increase would begin during fall quarter of 2013, with the caveat that UCEN could not call for another referendum until 2023.

Bobbitt continued special presentations with what he promised would be the shortest presentation he’s ever given. After over an hour, I think he regretted that statement.

Bobbitt’s presentation involved A.S. Council’s formerly locked-in funding of the various college councils that halted abruptly in 2008. According to Bobbitt, council owes its college-level counterparts a significant amount of money.

“I suggest that we have another fee increase to give money back to the councils,” Bobbitt said. “Either we find something to cut, or find another source of revenue.”

Following a request from council, Bobbitt agreed to meet with college councils and get their opinions on the matter.

(And holy oatmeal raisin, Batman! The Secret Cookie Service shanghaied this meeting for A.S. Director Heather Belk’s birthday!)

I would finally like to extend a special kudos to the a cappella group that has apparently taken up residence near the Forum. Though I completely lost what some of the quieter members of A.S. Council were saying, your rendition of “Some Nights” was just stellar.

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