Friday, April 29
10:48 a.m.: Suspicious package
? The reporter found a suspicious package with no shipping label at the Social Sciences Building. Unfounded.
11:31 a.m.: Citizen contact
? A rattlesnake was found by the Career Services Center parking trailer door, and there was no response from the EHS pest line. Information only.
3:55 p.m.: Argument disturbance
? A verbally abusive male refused to leave the LGBT building at Student Center B. Report taken.
Saturday, April 30
9:19 a.m.: Animal call
? There were “more bees making another hive” at Building A 103 at Preuss School. Referred to other agency.
12:06 p.m.: Animal call
? Bees were all over the main entrance of Center Hall. The area was closed off. Referred to other agency.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
2:15 p.m.: Medical aid
? A 19-year-old, still conscious and breathing, was having a reaction to expired soda at Panda Express in Price Center. Information only.
Monday, May 2, 2011
6:33 a.m.: Minor injury accident report
? A vehicle and scooter collided into each other on Genesee Avenue. Report taken.
10:29 a.m.: Report of grand theft
? About $1,200 to $1,500 worth of copper was taken from a contractor’s trailer at Meteor Hall. Report taken.
10:58 a.m.: Minor injury accident
? A skateboarder at the Applied Physics and Mathematics building was bleeding from the mouth and ears after a collision with a vehicle, but was still conscious and breathing. Report taken.
1:12 p.m.: Information
? A large house cat chased after a reporter and jumped on her and her baby at the North Mesa Apartments. Information only.
9:18 p.m.: Suspicious person
? A male dropped his backpack beneath a sign at Homeplate and took off running. Cancelled after dispatch.
Tuesday, May 3
8:43 a.m.: Illegal camping
? A male transient was sleeping in the garden by La Jolla Playhouse with several bags nearby. Information only.
12:05 p.m.: Possession of drugs
? A male in Thornton Hospital had a balloon with a white substance removed from a female patient’s stomach. Checks OK.
Wednesday, May 4
1:25 a.m.: Possession of marijuana
? The reporter said that eight or nine people were smoking in a suite at Marshall Apartments. Field interview administered.
7:17 a.m.: Information
? An unknown subject used his or her finger to write a message on the reporter’s windshield at Pangea Parking Structure. Information only.
10:49 a.m.: Report of vandalism
? The reporter at Supercomputer Center believed that a bullet was shot at a window. Report taken.
7:04 p.m.: Medical aid
? A 50-year-old reporter was feeling dizzy and vomiting at Warren Lecture Hall. Referred to other agency.
Thursday, May 5
3:38 p.m.: Person down
? A male in his 60s was carrying a brown bag of liquor and was unconscious near Rock Bottom. Field interview administered.