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UCSD-TV Must Air Ambassador Footage

Dear Editor,

In response to the Feb 12. article “Israeli Visitor Draws Crowd,” the Guardian failed to report on the introduction that was given by Peter Cowhey, Dean of the UCSD School for International Studies and Pacific Relations. In it he remarked that what he deemed to be “disrespectful” questions would result in criminal proceedings as well as academic repercussions. Upon trying to find the section of the video where this was said, I found that it had been edited out by UCSD-TV. It is appalling that UCSD-TV would cut this section (that had tremendous impact on the conduct and mood of the audience) from its broadcast, but it is far more appalling that such threats would be made in the first place.

This is supposed to be a university where free speech is protected and encouraged. Students should never have to deal with the threat of academic repercussions as a result of their political activity.

I would hope that UCSD-TV releases the full and unedited version of the event as soon as possible as to avoid negative publicity for alleged censorship.

—Amal Dalmar

Freshman, Muir College

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